Follow up Friday: All about Teaching Reading

This week was all about TEACHING READING! We released A BRAND NEW VIDEO (watch for MORE NEW videos coming this year, subscribe to our YOUTUBE for early access) and we also rereleased three awesome videos to facebook! Happy Friday!

Make sure you’re following us on social media for exclusive videos and content , especially TikTok and YouTube!


Scarborough Reading Rope Explained


How to Prevent and Fix Poor Reading Behaviors

Have you ever had kids in your class that struggled while reading text? WE HAVE! We have seen many poor reading behaviors and we have some solutions to help! We also share some things to do to prevent these behaviors from ever becoming poor reading habits. This video will help you Prevent and Fix some of the most basic poor reading habits.

🔗 Reading Components


Phonemic Awareness: What is is and why do we teach it?

Phonemic Awareness, Phonological Awareness, Oh My! We discuss the ins and outs of both phonological awareness and phonemic awareness and why they are so critical. Young children need to gain these foundational skills of literacy early on. This video will help make sure we are all teaching kids correctly to give them their best shot at gaining strong literacy skills for future reading success!

🔗 FREE Reading Components Handouts


Comprehension Instruction: What is it and why do we teach it?

Let us help you understand what to do DURING reading to help you and your students make deep meaning from text! Reading comprehension instruction is important to understand in order to help make your reading and teaching meaningful! We include information about discussion, strategy instruction, metacognition, Jottings, and skills versus strategies.

🔗 Reading Components

🔗 Comprehension Lessons

🔗 Comprehension Resources (Strategy Posters, Graphic Organizers, Trackers, and more!)

Make sure to follow us on social media to see exclusive posts for our social media followers to go along with these videos each week! (TikTok followers get early access to some fun videos!)


Follow up Friday: All About Sound-Spellings


Follow up Friday: All About Alphabet Knowledge and Beyond