• Phonics is instruction that teaches students the relationship between the written spellings (graphemes) and sounds (phonemes) of our language. Phonics instruction can help students decode our printed language into its spoken form. A.K.A. Reading!

  • Being able to decode words is connected with all aspects of reading. When students struggle to decode unknown words, they are unable to read text and ultimately unable to understand text.

    Learning to decode words early and well is essential to the development of reading proficiency. First grade decoding ability continues to be a major factor in comprehension as students progress through the grades (Shaywitz et al., 1992). Stanovich (1994) stated that “direct Instruction in alphabet coding facilitates early reading acquisition is one of the most well-established conclusions in all of behavioral science”.

  • Phonics is best taught explicitly with text reading for application. Explicit lessons must include phonological and alphabet principal connections with text reading for application. Providing these three things in every lesson will give the student the best chance to learn the sound-spellings or “code” of our language.

  • Integrating Oral Language into phonics is important to allow students the opportunity to practice out loud the spelling patterns and their corresponding sounds that make up the code of our language. Students can chorally repeat the sounds of the spellings, chorally blend words, and most importantly chorally, partner and independently READ TEXTS OUT LOUD.



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Phonics Lessons & Decodable Text Passages for you!