Follow up Friday: All About FLUENCY!

Happy Friday! This week was all about FLUENCY and we rereleased THREE awesome videos to facebook and one NEW video!

We’ve been dabbling with TikTok the last couple months - Have you seen our latest content?



Fluency: What is it and why do we teach it?

Fluency is made up of three things: accuracy, rate, and prosody. Accurate readers read text with few errors exactly as the author has it written. Rate is the speed at which we read. Prosody has many elements which should be the focus of our instruction.

How can you increase your student's fluency rate? We answer this question in the video below!

📑 Resources 📑

🔗Let's Teach Fluency Resource

🔗Let's Practice Fluency Resource

🔗Other Fluency Resources


How to teach fluency using the prosody elements

Do you want to get your kids to read faster? We’ll show you how in the video below.

📑 Resources 📑

🔗Reading Components

🔗Let's Teach Fluency

🔗Let's Practice Fluency

🔗DIBELS Progress Monitoring

🔗Kindergarten and 1st Grade Dibels Progress Monitoring


How to USE and LOVE Progress Monitoring (ORF)

Progress Monitoring, Know it! Use it! Love it! Understanding what progress monitoring can do for you will change your attitude from, "I have to do progress monitoring", to "I love to do progress monitoring and can't live without it"! We want to get you hooked on Progress Monitoring because it is one thing that can help you know how your instruction and interventions are going. Watch this video to learn and get hooked!

📑 Resources 📑

🔗Fluency Videos


🔗Oral Reading Fluency Progress Monitoring

🔗PSF & NWF Progress Monitoring


Make sure to follow us on social media to see exclusive posts for our social media followers to go along with these videos each week! (TikTok and YouTube followers get early access to some fun videos! Have you check out YouTube “shorts” yet? It’s fun!)


Follow up Friday: All About FLUENCY AGAIN!


Follow up Friday: All About Sound-Spellings