Follow up Friday: Tips for Learning at Home

Happy Friday! This week was all about learning at home and we rereleased THREE videos to facebook!


How to Remove Resistance During Home Learning

We want to share with parents ways to remove RESISTANCE when learning at home!


Attention During Home Learning

We want to share with parents what attention span can be expected for your child based on their age and how attention can be helped. We will share a few simple adjustments you can make to help with your child's attention span in your home learning.


How to Support your Child with Their Homework

Here's a few thoughts on supporting your child with their homework!


Make sure to follow us on social media to see exclusive posts for our social media followers to go along with these videos each week! (TikTok and YouTube followers get early access to some fun videos!


Follow up Friday: Get Kids Talking


Follow up Friday: Sight Words & Phonics