Follow up Friday: All About Multisyllabic Word Reading!

Happy Friday! This week was all about multisyllabic word reading and we rereleased THREE videos to facebook!


What and why of multisyllabic Word Reading Instruction

Hey upper grade teachers, are you teaching phonics?! Yes, even upper grade teachers need to teach Phonics!!! It is called Multisyllabic Word Reading Instruction.

All the words we read are made up of sound-spelling patterns, and these become increasingly difficult as text becomes more complex. Upper grade teachers need to be proficient in teaching multisyllabic word reading strategies so students can be successful readers of complex text. So students can basically read REALLY BIG WORDS!

In this video we go through the basics of this instruction and why it is important and help you all understand the what and why of teaching kids to read big words.

📑 Resources 📑

🔗Sound-Spelling FREE Chart

🔗Sound-Spelling Resource

🔗Multisyllabic Word Reading Resource


How to teach multisyllabic word reading strategy

We are always asked to show how multisyllabic words reading lessons are to be taught, so here you go! We will show you using a fourth grade text from a student anthology. We take you through the steps of the flexible multisyllabic word reading strategy and provide you with some of the thinking and prompts along the way.

📑 Resources 📑

🔗Sound-Spelling FREE Chart

🔗Sound-Spelling Resource

🔗Multisyllabic Word Reading Resource


How to plan a multisyllabic word reading lesson

In this video we go through the thinking process of how to plan a multisyllabic word reading phonics lesson so you can write them with any text your mid 2 to upper grade students will be reading.

We walk you through the thinking of choosing the words to use when you prepare for multisyllabic word reading strategy instruction lessons.

Remember, these lessons could be used for a variety of text reading purposes to support their reading. For example: prior to reading a main selection, prior to math problems, prior to social studies learning, prior to science... the list goes on and on!

📑 Resources 📑

🔗Let's Read Multisyllabic Words resource

🔗Free weekly planning guide

🔗Phonics Lessons and Decodable Text


Make sure to follow us on social media to see exclusive posts for our social media followers to go along with these videos each week! (TikTok and YouTube followers get early access to some fun videos!


Follow up Friday: More Sound Spellings!


Follow up Friday: Get Kids Talking