Follow-Up Friday: What and Why of Sound - Spelling Patterns

Happy Friday! The English language is a phonetically based language. It includes many words (50% wholly decodable and additional 37% within one sound) that are decodable. That is great news for those of us teaching kids to learn to read! This means we have a fairly reliable code we can teach them to use. This code is made up of spellings that link to sounds and these blend together to form the words in our language. We call the key to this code sound-spelling patterns. We as teachers must teach these sound-spelling patterns to our students, and teach them to be flexible in their use of those sound-spelling patterns (to account for the "within one sound" parts).

We cover more information about what and why we need to teach these sound-spelling patterns in our classrooms, yes, even upper grades! Big words are all made of sound-spelling patterns too!

We have an awesome resource for you to help you teach the sound-spelling patterns. Check it out HERE.

We also have a Sound-Spelling Patterns FREE Document HERE.

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Have a wonderful weekend! Let us know if you have any questions.


Follow-Up Friday: ALL ABOUT PHONICS!


Follow-Up Friday: What, When, and Why of Beginner Phonics