Researched. Effective. Simple.







is HERE!

Rounds 1-5 (17 weeks of instruction) are now released just in time for the new school year! Rounds 6-10 will be at a future date in time to use this school year. These phonics lessons are for TIER I instruction and also make for great intervention supplements. Enjoy!


Our mission is to empower K-6 literacy teachers with the knowledge and tools to teach reading and writing by bridging the gap between the academia world and in-service teaching.

What People Are Saying about The Simple Teachers

“As an instructor of pre-service teachers, I found the information provided to be tightly aligned to research and practice. It was very clear and easy to understand. My students loved the videos! It filled in the gaps that reading left for them. It also connected everything together. As a class our learning grew as we read, discussed, watched videos, and debriefed. It was great to see lightbulbs clicking on for my students. Their learning became actions for practice.”

— Dr. Jen K., Reading Specialist & Assistant Professor, Maryland

“The Simple Teachers phonics materials changed the way I worked with my struggling students in 2nd grade.  Every year as I taught reading, I felt like my system needed more.  The reading program our school purchased just did not help my struggling readers. I would see some success, but I always felt like some of my students needed more.  In came The Simple Teachers.  Angie and Whitney had exactly what I was looking for.  The first year I used their phonics materials, all my students showed huge growth, but one boy, in particular,  went from 34 words read in DIBELS to 85 words read within that year.

 Every year my students show so much growth in reading and I loved their materials so much in my general ed classroom that they inspired me to get my Masters in Reading. Now, as a teaching reading intervention,  I use their phonics materials with all my grades in some form or another.  Their materials are easy to use and my students love them!!”

— Lena, K-6 Intervention Teacher, Arizona

“Angie and Whitney are masterful reading instructors who use proven techniques to help their students gain the skills it takes to become strong readers who can’t put their books down. I am so excited that they are sharing their knowledge with the education world! I have used their lessons to transform reluctant readers into voracious readers time and time again. The best part is that their lessons are simple and straightforward while utilizing research based strategies. Every time I teach using one of their lessons, I grow in my instruction, too. I use their products all the time. I can’t recommend them highly enough!”

— Liz, Classroom Teacher, Utah


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